

What is Udwarthanam ?

The word Udwarthanam is a combined of two words (Urdhwa + Varthanam) the word Urdhwa refers as Upward and the other word Varthanam means to move. It has got its name “Udwartanam” as in this massage stroke performed in an upward movement or in another word elevation.

Udwartanam is significant in its own as it is opposite to the traditional or conventional massage of Abhyanga in which strokes are performed from above to downwards. Udwarthana Massage is conduct opposite to that of the body hairs which is generally pointing downwards.

Whom Udvartana Massage Is Suggested ?
  • Abdominal Obesity
  • Overweight
  • Cellulite breakdown
  • After childbirth, if you get some extra weight
  • Muscular weakness
  • Obesity – extremely useful for a fat cutback
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Paralysis
  • Sclerosis of blood vessels
  • Sciatica of Kapha origin
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Hemiplagia, cerebral palasy
  • Motor neuron disorders
  • Preventing loosening of skin under a weight-loss program
  • Decrease mobility to joints due to excess Kapha, Ama or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Removing dead cells from the skin and increasing glow of the skin

Types of Udvartana Massage

According to ancient massage theraphy Udvartana is categorized in different two types :

Snigadh Udvartana
Snigadh Udvartana is a powder massage in which herbal paste prepared; mix with herb’s powder and medicated oils is used. This herbal paste is massaged over the skin over the body. This form of Udvartana benefits in improving complexion, glow of skin, tone and skin texture.
Ruksha Udvartana
In Ruksha Udvartana only dry powders made from of different herbs are used for rubbing and massage. These Herbal powders have ingredients that are rough and dry in nature and used to reduce surplus Kapha of a body.

Udvartana Powder Massage Benefits

Increases Skin Glow
It is generally found that person suffering from some nutrition problems also faced skin problems, and their effects appear on skin. Udvartana can be the best solution for lost skin glow, and Ayurvedic powder massage will moreover, help to improve skin glow and complexion.

Opposite direction Stokes performed in Udvarthanam will help to soften and exfoliate the skin. It will also remove the dead cells from the skin giving a beautiful and lustrous glow to the skin.
Reduce stomachic Fat Accumulation
If you have a loosen skin on arms, thighs or buttocks, or suffering from any abdominal fat accumulation, then Ayurvedic powder massage is very beneficial in this situation. It fixes to minimize subcutaneous fatty tissue and cellulite this way; it also reduces the body weight and stimulates other weight loss problems.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
In rheumatoid arthritis, AMA is a main element that causes this ailment. Udvartana (powder massage) reduces kapha and ama of the body, so it can be the best therapy for reducing symptoms and inflammation of the joints. It is necessary that it is performed under the supervision of the ayurvedic physicians as in some cases, rubbing the herbal powder with pressure can increase pain, therefore, rubbing should be gentle. Performing Ruksha Udvartana is more advantageous in the ailment such as rigidity with feeling of heaviness, joint tenderness with redness, etc.
It removes Toxins
It is one of the detoxification ayurvedic therapies, which cleanses the body and discharges bad body odor. Performing Udvarthanam can also remove AMA or toxins from the body. So it can be helpful to prevent various diseases, which are caused by accumulation of toxins.

Apart from being effective in reducing fat, Udvartana also rectifies the lymphatic circulation throughout the body. The diseases like eczema, lymph drainage, rosacea edema, or acne can be cured by the Udvartana treatment. It aids in refreshing the body as well as mind.
