Skin And Hair

Skin is the biggest organ of the human body. Skin, according to Ayurveda, has seven layers. It is located not merely peripherally but extends itself to the deeper levels of the body. For this reason skin diseases have deep rooted causes; therefore its remedies also have to be penetrative. That is, most skin diseases are, rooted deeply into various dhatus or tissues like fat, muscles, blood etc.

Modern skin treatments depend on external applications of creams or oils. They may help symptoms disappear temporarily as they never reach the deeper layers of the skin. Whereas, Ayurvedic treatments are not mere ‘skin deep’, it goes to the roots of the problem. Ayuveda always tries to root out the disease by treating it specifically according to the causes of each disease. Ayurvedic skin treatments may take a few weeks to show up signs of cure, but you can be sure about its permanent solutions.

Psoriasis, eczema and urticaria are major skin diseases that are seen in many of patients. They are considered to be caused by outside disruptions, though these external factors do cause some aggravation in pita and vata.

Psoriasis is generally caused by emotional problems poisoning the internal system and thus dirtying the blood, which then manifests in rashes and skin problems on the body’s surface.

By and large Urticaria is caused by allergies, which causes both the external and internal bodies to react in the same way as with psoriasis. In Ayurvedic understanding eczema is caused by a major aggravation in kapha coinciding with slightly more minor unsettlements in vata and pitta.

Ayurveda considers eczema to be a minor form of leprosy and so the factors that cause that will be present to a certain degree within eczema albeit on a much smaller scale.

Causes Of Skin Diseases

Two of the main causes of diseases in Ayurveda are a wrong diet and lifestyle, which an individual follows either knowingly or unknowingly.

Following a diet or life style that is against the season or the prakriti (nature) of a person, creates an imbalance in bodily energies, thus contaminating the body tissues to produce a skin disease. Although skin diseases are caused due to imbalances in all the three doshas, the prime dosha involved is pitta. Pitta symbolizes heat or fire. Also with allergies, over exposure to hot conditions, genetic disorders and mental stress and fatigue being the most common.

Excess sugar in the body also is a major cause of skin disorders. The skin cells so affected by the excess sugar, provide an ideal breeding ground for the bacteria, which multiply rapidly using these skin cells.

Ayurved has classified and documented the “miraculous” properties of medicinal herbs and clays that counteract the excess sugar and other toxins in the body. They combine with the skin cells to inhibit multiplication of the virus. The absence of a breeding ground results in the elimination of the virus.

As stress and other mental fatigues are big factors in the development of skin disease you should do all that you can to avoid them. Simple things like keeping to a regular sleeping pattern can work wonders on this score.

Management of Skin Diseases @ Dr.Garje Ayurved Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurved emphasizes on three fold therapeutic management of the diseases viz;

  • Samshodhana - biopurification
  • Samshamana - pacification) and
  • Nidana Parivarjana- avoiding causative factors

All types of disorders including dermatological disorders, the type of Samshodhan ( Detoxification) used is

The Samshodhan (Detoxification) helps to maintain the Dosha and Dhatu Samya i.e to maintain the homeostasis & thus,

Leads to the repair and regeneration of different body tissues and also modulate the body immunity and

The palliative therapy in the form of drugs and diets may not be effective unless the body channels are Properly cleansed and toxic materials are eliminated. Samshodhan is believed to purify or cleanse all the Body tissues and bring about the harmony of bio-humours (i.e. Vata, Pitta, Kapha, and Raja & Tama) to Obtain long-lasting beneficial effects

According to the current concept, the pathogenesis involved in the most of the dermatological disorders is Complex interplay between immunologic, genetic and environmental factors. Psychological stress and Related factors are major culprits involved in the etio-pathogenesis of dermatological disorders.

Most of the drugs described for the management of dermatological disorders in Ayurveda are enriched with Rasayan property.

Various studies on Rasayana drugs suggest their following action

  • Immunomodulator
  • Adaptogenic
  • Antioxidant
  • Nootropic and
  • Antistress

Therefore, Rasayana drugs are very important for the management of dermatological disorders. Skin health can be restored and maintained by directly targeting the different layers and cells of the skin involved in the Process of skin aging & dysfunction and also in the pathogenesis of a disease.

Aahara (diet or dietary supplementation) is very much emphasized in Ayurvedic system of medicine for the prevention as well as management of wide range of disorders including dermatological disorders.

Features of Dr.Garje Ayurveda’s Skin & Hair care Treatments

  • The natural approach t o the treatment of Psoriasis
  • Non Steroidal Remedy for Eczema
  • Comprehensive skin care in Urticaria
  • Natural & Nourishing antidandruff in Hair Care
  • Natural Comedolytic & Antibacterial in All Skin Infections
  • Powerful Depigmentation activity in Vitiligo
  • Nutritional support for Healthy Skin & Hair
