Endometriosis is the growth of endometrial tissue at various abdominal sites outside the uterus instead of its normal position that is Uterus. This hormonally active tissue which bleeds on monthly basis may end up growing around the Fallopian tubes, pelvic area, ovaries, rectum, intestinal area etc. Consequently, this endometrial tissue grows and sheds at abnormal places and creates lots of pain in the pelvis, lower abdomen area, and around the uterus.
Common Symptoms Found In Endometriosis Are -
TREATMENT OF ENDOMETRIOSIOS WITH AYURVEDA Management of endometriosis with Ayurveda
Since, it is developed due to accumulation of Doshas in the tissues, Ayurvedic treatment of Endometriosos focuses on the elimination of toxins, Improving digestion, proper nutrition and balance of Mind and Soul. Ayurveda approaches on self healing power of body. We balance the doshas and disease is cured. We focus on-