Lumbar Spondylosis, is a degenerative condition of the vertebrae which results in the narrowing of the space between adjacent vertebras which may further lead to the compression of the nerve fibres that arises from that segment (affected segment) of the spinal cord which in turn results in low back pain or symptoms like pain, altered sensation, numbness or weakness in the legs. They can also cause local inflammatory changes which results in increased sensitivity of the nerves.
Causes Of Lumbar Spondylosis
Age is the most important factor for a degenerative condition to set in. Lumbar Spondylosis in the early decades of life is usually associated with overweight, Smoking, Sedentary life style and more importantly Stress.
Factors which affect the quality of life and accelerate degeneration of spine
Factors which provoke Doshas in Spondylosis
Symptoms of Lumbar Spondylosis
The strength of Ayurved in the area of spine and joint treatments is globally appreciated. Since it addresses the root cause of the issue the results are fantastic.
The goal of pain relief treatment of Lumbar Spondylosis is to provide relief to the symptoms associated with Spondylosis and to prevent retardation in ability to carry out activities of daily living and improve quality of life.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Lumbar Spondylosis:
Ayurvedic treatment of Lumbar spondylosis comprises of herbal medicines and therapies that help to relax the muscles, relieve inflammation to the nerves and surrounding tissues, healing the damage to the nerves and in strengthening the nerves and muscles.
The most commonly used therapies are
Followed with Ayurved Medicines, Ayurved Aahar Vihar, Yogasan, Exercise